What is Conductive Education?

What is Conductive Education?

Conductive Education is an educational framework that develops the motor, cognitive and social skills of individuals
with motor disorders. Using a unique set of teaching tools based on philosophical values, Conductive Education strives to motivate and enable individuals to learn how to overcome obstacles, whilst simultaneously working to achieve ever evolving future goals. Through purposeful tasks accompanied by rhythmic counting/chanting/singing (dependent on age), groups of individuals learn how to identify, intend and execute movement. Depending on the child or adults muscle tone (spastic, low tone or changeable) a specific rhythm is set to ensure they are able to use their full range of movement while developing a fluid, controlled movement.

During sessions Conductive Education Practitioners (conductors) work on developing  a range of functional movements such as sitting, rolling, crawling, standing and walking, eating and drinking, writing, dressing and undressing. These skills are developed by breaking down functional movements into small individual movements or ‘tasks’ and practicing and developing them in a range of positions; lying, sitting and standing.

Directions as to how the movement should be carried out; focusing on symmetry, posture and isolating and separating body parts are given. These smaller movements are then put together and built up into functional movements. During ‘Parent and Child sessions’ parents are taught how they can support / facilitate their child to actively achieve the task, movement or activity and work on the same skills and movements at home.

Crucially, all teaching tools and facilitations in Conductive Education are flexible and adaptable; to enable active learning at each individual’s own pace and to meet and challenge the immediate learning needs of an individual or group. These differentiations are thoroughly planned and revaluated by the Conductive Education practitioners to create a supportive and relatable learning environment. As well as the development of the physical skills a main aim of Conductive Education is to develop the child or adults’ motivation, self-esteem and problem solving skills.