Self-care skills – Eating and drinking

Self-care skills – Eating and drinking

During our Bristol lunch club and snack times within group we work on developing each individuals eating and drinking skills and develop social skills and choice making/communication skills. All aims are individual, age appropriate and take into consideration chewing and swallowing difficulties, dietary restrictions and issues surrounding weight gain.


Through eating and drinking aims each individual will work on a range of appropriate aims such as;

  • finger feeding
  • developing basic spoon and fork skills
  • independent drinking from a straw / spouted or flow restrictive cup
  • drinking from an open cup
  • knife and fork cutting skills
  • spreading skillsBS5A3785
  • opening packets and tubs
  • pouring own drink from a small jug
  • making food / drink item choices
  • expressing  ‘more’ and ‘finished’
  • working together with a peer to set the table