Temple Cloud Teenage group supported by Peoples postcode lottery, Postcode community trust and Local Giving Magic Little grants.

This project has been made possible by a grant from Localgiving and Postcode Community Trust, a grant-giving charity funded entirely by players of People’s Postcode Lottery.

Thanks to the £500 Magic Little grant our teenage group is able to continue at our new location at Temple Cloud village hall.

This group offers weekly Conductive Education sessions to 3 teengagers with Cerebral Palsy.

This is what one of our families has to say:

“The work done at CEB has had a very positive impact on E’s wellbeing. It has had huge benefits, particularly when it comes to everday life skills such as taking off and putting on his splints and shoes, fine motor skills and even preparing food. The sessions have also improved his general mobility and co-ordination to the point where he can touch the floor from a standing position and then return to a standing position. This is something which we would have never thought possible. He is a very confident and vocal lad who enjoys the banter of the sessions and mixing with the other young people there. It is also good for us as parents to meet other mums and dads going through the same experiences.”

If you would like to apply for funding please visit: www.localgiving.org/magic-little-grants/

Thankyou to Localgiving and the Postcode Community Trust.

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